Analysing sports betting data?
Which data is statistically relevant?
Find out what information is worth analysing and what should be ignored
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Value Calculator sample data
Applicable to league matches only with head-to-head history
417 matches analysed from 24 leagues
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Find multiple 'value' bets for the same match!
FT Asian Handicap market included
Easy-to-use Excel spreadsheet
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Find multiple 'value' bets for the same match!
FT Asian Handicap market NOT included
Easy-to-use Excel spreadsheet
(click image for more details)
Find multiple 'value' bets for the same match!
FT Asian Handicap market included
Easy-to-use Excel spreadsheet
(click image for more details)
Find multiple 'value' bets for the same match!
FT Asian Handicap market NOT included
Easy-to-use Excel spreadsheet
(click image for more details)